Tarnem Afify, Science

Faculty and research advisors

Tarnem Afify- Bachelor of Science with a Specialized Honours in Biophysics, Faculty of Science

Pictured Crew:
Laura Sagunski, Postdoctoral Fellow at York University, Tarnem Afify (me), and Dr. Sean Tulin, Associate Professor of Physics and Astronomy at York University

tarnem with facultyCrews I am a part of at York U:

  • President Ambassador
  • Representative of the Canadian Association of Physicists in the International Association of Physics Students
  • Founder and is the Chief Executive of Future Women in Physics Society
  • University representative/speaker at various worldwide conferences (including this year's prestigious Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting in Germany)

My experience with Professor Tulin creating a club:
There are so many different memories it is hard to name. If you search my inbox you will see some much conversation back and forth with Dr. Tulin. We started the Future Women in Physics Club at York as a way to encourage and inspire those in Physics. Women are under represented in Physics and I want to be an advocate and create change in the field.

(Dr. Tulin) Tarnem is very outward focused where she tries to not just look at what she is working on but so many different things that she tries to connect together. For example she came to me once suggesting a research connection between Astrophysics and Medical Physics and at first I was very confused there was a connection and after she convinced me and inspired me to write my own research grants in the one particular area.



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